I found the CLR using thin cardboard this time around, and things worked out a lot better. I drew up 6 new sail variations that can be found here with the updated CLR and 9% lead marked.
I noticed some interesting things between all of the different variations I drew up.
1st) 30% chord no lead obstructs my keel bolts, so thats out unfortunately.
2) No lead 25% chord has almost the same mast position as 30% chord 4.5% lead
3) 30% chord 9% lead has almost the same mast position as 25% chord 4.5% lead and I predict a similar position to 20% chord no lead.
Now for more questions......
Why does Van Loan say to use as little balance as possible and to not go above 25% chord?
Van Loan also says to use a lead between .01 and .1, so .045 or 4.5% lead should work right?
If I were to use 25% chord at 4.5% lead, and experience weather or lee helm, I should be able to balance the boat better by moving the sail fore or aft. Is this correct?
I plan on using cambered full panels, so I won't gain any potential slot effect, but the sail will pull harder then a flat sail. Following this train of thought, since poppy had 30% balance, no lead and got away with it using slot effect, a more conservative 4.5% lead with 25% balance should be able to be realized. Is there any truth to this?
Thanks for all the help so far. I would like to avoid a raked mast if possible, but I may draw some up and add them later.
I guess in closing of these drawings 25% chord with 4.5% lead is my ideal sail plan at this point. If this plan will work and sail nicely this is the route I wish to go.