Alloy for Battens...

  • 24 Sep 2015 22:15
    Reply # 3543425 on 3387045
    Deleted user

    Found alloy at   Very good Price and good Postage. Wooden ends / extensions, worked well. The boat is all rigged now and sails well. It has a beautiful cambered sail made by Chris at Exe Sails.  I have put a few pictures on my profile Album called Solitaire. 

  • 17 Jun 2015 21:42
    Reply # 3391020 on 3387045
    Deleted user

    It is a good idea to have them anodised to prevent staining of the sail by oxidisation of the aluminium.

  • 16 Jun 2015 18:30
    Reply # 3389240 on 3387045
    Deleted user

    Cheers all 

    That had gone through my mind to extend them with timber - easy enough. Total is 5770mm so could just extend at the forward end with 770mm of timber or two shorter bits at each end.

    Will let you know how it goes.

    David - thanks i just looked at your fine photos of Footprints and that is a nice way to finish the batten ends and and gets around my short batten issue.


    Last modified: 16 Jun 2015 18:51 | Deleted user
  • 16 Jun 2015 09:58
    Reply # 3388698 on 3387045
    Deleted user

    In which case, this is by far the cheapest and best source of 5m lengths of aluminium tube (6063T6 and 6082T6) I've found in the UK.


  • 16 Jun 2015 09:29
    Reply # 3388697 on 3387045
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I think David’s way of making hybrid aluminium-wood battens sounds brilliant. That combination builds in most of the flexibility and lightness of aluminium, which is needed in the central section to avoid breaking battens in a half-long, accidental gybe. As with the hybrid wood-aluminium masts, one also gets to the result with minimum fuss and cost. I guess I would add a grp bandage at the joints to beef them um just a little.



    Last modified: 16 Jun 2015 09:30 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 16 Jun 2015 00:46
    Reply # 3388456 on 3387045
    Deleted user
    Daniel Johnson wrote:


    Can anyone recomend a supplier of alloy tube for use as battens? Length is 5800mm - I have found several suppliers that have 5000mm in stock but none with 6000mm stock?!



    I had a similar problem with the battens on my boat where the batten length is 6.5 meters but I could get only 5m lengths of alloy tube. Rather than lengthening the tube by welding I added a 1.5 meter round timber extension at the forward end of each batten and a short extension at the aft end. I used cedar for these extensions as that is what I had and it is a very light timber. From memory the timber extensions were inserted about 60mm into the alloy tube and secured with a polyurethane adhesive and a screw each side. My battens have a diameter of 60mm so it was possibly easier to do this than what it would be with smaller diameter battens. Anyway after 3 years and a mixture of coastal and ocean sailing I have never had a problem with the battens. There is a photo of the batten extensions in the new sail album of my profile photos.
    Last modified: 16 Jun 2015 00:49 | Deleted user
  • 15 Jun 2015 19:32
    Reply # 3388134 on 3387045
    Deleted user

    Thanks for that Peter, Sorry forgot to say that yes in UK. I will give them a go.


  • 15 Jun 2015 14:13
    Reply # 3387740 on 3387045


    Are you in the UK at the moment?  Have you tried


  • 15 Jun 2015 12:23
    Message # 3387045
    Deleted user


    Can anyone recomend a supplier of alloy tube for use as battens? Length is 5800mm - I have found several suppliers that have 5000mm in stock but none with 6000mm stock?!



       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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