Buying a Junk in the UK

  • 15 Sep 2014 01:04
    Reply # 3099623 on 3098487
    Paul Thompson wrote:

     I also sailed on the Rowntree's boat Camelot after they sold her.
    Cameleon actually, and originally Jack Manners-Spencer's own boat.  I've sailed on and in company with her on many occasions.  I'd say the rig performed marginally better than a standard H/McL.
  • 15 Sep 2014 01:00
    Reply # 3099621 on 3098181
    Patric A wrote:

    Get a proper survey and have the seller bear the cost in case you decide to buy. 

    Good luck: I wouldn't pay for a survey report for someone who was interested in buying my boat!
  • 13 Sep 2014 00:27
    Reply # 3098487 on 3055445
    Arne Kverneland wrote:

    That appears to be the Gallant-rigged  Jetstream 29, designed by Jack Manners-Spencer. It was mentioned in Newsletter 19 and 20. This sail has no hinge as the wishbone battens go all the way back to the leech. I wonder how efficient that rig was/is...


    Not very... I have direct experience of the Gallant rig. Aphrodite had one and I also sailed on the Rowntree's boat Camelot after they sold her.
    Last modified: 13 Sep 2014 00:28 | Anonymous member
  • 12 Sep 2014 19:53
    Reply # 3098181 on 3053839
    Deleted user

    Personally I wouldn't buy a boat unseen. Get a proper survey and have the seller bear the cost in case you decide to buy. 

  • 12 Sep 2014 05:47
    Reply # 3097544 on 3053839
    Deleted user

    Nah, I've seen a map of Blighty, surely nowhere is more than an hour's drive from anywhere else?

    Just kidding. We become inured to long distances here in Oz.

    The description of the boat Robin sent me was a MS Word document that said "Ashore at Fosdyke Haven, near Boston, Lincs."

    On the other hand, Robin also said in his email that the boat was now at the owner's home. So who knows. I've responded to Robin's email with the question "mind if i have someone come and look at her?" and haven't heard back yet.

    Never mind for now, i got a little excited yesterday, but i've had a 24 hour cooling off period, had some email chat with Peter Scandling, and have re-resolved to wait until i arrive in Feb before starting the shopping.

    Ignore me for now, i just get a little exuberant from time to time. This 'holding pattern' thing can be frustrating. I've never been especially patient.

  • 11 Sep 2014 19:25
    Reply # 3097265 on 3053839

    When I viewed her China Girl was in Fossdyke, at the western end of the Wash.  At the time she was in the boatyard, but the Sunbird advert now says she is afloat, so could possibly be somewhere else. 

  • 11 Sep 2014 09:50
    Reply # 3096939 on 3053839
    Deleted user


    The Sunbird Ad does not say where she is lying - this info would be needed before anyone could consider taking a look at her for you.


  • 11 Sep 2014 05:45
    Reply # 3096825 on 3055286
    Deleted user
    Annie Hill wrote:There is a steady trickle of boats coming on the market, Matt, so don't rush in too fast.  I'm sure (she said from the safety of NZ) that a fellow junkie might be persuaded to have a look at this Viking and give you a candid assessment.
    Robin Blain has gotten back to me saying my "offer of £7,500  to the owner of the Atlanta Viking 28 and he has accepted".

    (Now, it wasn't a formal offer, what i actually wrote was "my budget would be no more than £7,500" - but that's by the by.)

    Seeing as Annie has kindly offered the services of UK JRA members, could i persuade someone to go have a peek at her and give me the good, the bad and the ugly news about her?

    Am i insane contemplating buying a boat sight unseen, to take possession in 5 months' time?

  • 12 Aug 2014 07:24
    Reply # 3071426 on 3055445
    Arne Kverneland wrote:

    That appears to be the Gallant-rigged  Jetstream 29, designed by Jack Manners-Spencer. It was mentioned in Newsletter 19 and 20. This sail has no hinge as the wishbone battens go all the way back to the leech. I wonder how efficient that rig was/is...


    I sailed this boat with Jack and took many photos of her under construction. The rig worked very well, and when we raced her at Lymington had the particular advantage that the competition couldn't work out which tack we were on to ask for water, as the sail
    could be rotated right round the mast, and could be sailed 'downwind' with the sail out over the bow to give extra lift to 'windward'. However, the sailing properties are not likely to be the issue now; the boat was left for a matter of years unattended and, I believe, filled with rainwater with dire consequences for the beautiful cold-moulded hull. Unless
    the subsequent purchaser has done an amazing restoration job I would imagine there
    will be some pretty problematic structural considerations. Robin Blain will know more
    than I about the condition, I believe he inspected her when she was previously for sale.


  • 11 Aug 2014 00:39
    Reply # 3070202 on 3053839
    A very weird-looking stern and sail bundle, too!  Pity there isn't more information.
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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