Photo Gallery

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  • 26 Sep 2013 21:02
    Reply # 1399239 on 1398675
    Deleted user
    Thanks for your comment happy lou  Iam very happy and will be even happier when she is sailing
  • 26 Sep 2013 05:38
    Message # 1398675
    Because my time on line is limited, I tend just to follow the fora on this website.  However, when I followed the link to Miranda's photos today, I carried on and found several series of photos I wasn't aware of.  Arion in paradise, a happy Lou Mills with his newly-launched Hylas (whose conversion should make for an interesting read), Ron Glas and an un-named junk in Alaska.  If you haven't visited the gallery for a while, I suggest you do so.

    [Webmaster comment - Thanks for that, Annie. Can I add that one of the problems with the Photo Gallery is it's getting huge, and quite a lot of uploads don't have captions so it's often impossible to know what we're looking at or why. Adding captions is easy. I'll make it my next Tip of the Month.]
    Last modified: 26 Sep 2013 11:48 | Deleted user
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       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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