AeroJunk Update

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  • 24 Sep 2013 21:30
    Reply # 1397340 on 1378058
    Deleted user
    Paul has added some new photos of Miranda to our Photogallery.

    [Webmaster edit: Paul, I moved your recent post here.]
    Last modified: 24 Sep 2013 21:33 | Deleted user
  • 08 Sep 2013 00:47
    Reply # 1383956 on 1378058
    I got a chance to try the final sail design on a sunny day
    in a Force 3 wind. It looked messy needing a few tension adjustments but it worked well. Then I got the ultimate test. Sitting with my back to the wind on a reach I was suddenly hit by a violent gust. This was enough to flatten the boat to about 45 degrees and screw it round to windward in a tight circle. I got a brief glimpse of the mast and sail as I flung my arm and hooked it round a stanchion to stop from falling overboard. The gust lasted about a minute in all – very scary but it proved two things. The mast did not fall down and the sail did not self-balance. I am now pleased with my work. Paul McKay
  • 03 Sep 2013 00:04
    Reply # 1380005 on 1378058
    Deleted user
    Great to hear that you're still beavering away on the rig, Paul, and simultaneously writing another article. Thanks.
    Last modified: 04 Sep 2013 00:19 | Deleted user
  • 02 Sep 2013 21:48
    Reply # 1379912 on 1378058
    Hi Mark. Thanks for your kind comments. Yes, Back to normal! Your point about the centre of pressure close-hauled makes sense and would explain some of my results. My new jib has a slightly shorter foot than the successful temporary one so should have a slightly smaller lever. The wind here has been so gusty in the marina that although I have fitted the 'new' jib I have not been able to keep it up for long enough to re-make the jib downhauls or the lazy jacks. That plus jazz gigs and friend's funerals.
    The forecast is improving from tomorrow so I hope to get a final test before I send off the 2nd part of the article for the next newsletter.

    Regards, Paul
  • 01 Sep 2013 09:23
    Reply # 1378976 on 1378058
    Dear Paul,
    the new sail plan looks a good shape,  I think you must be hoping this is the final version (though your Sailmaker may not!).
    I see you have marked the centre of area of each panel and the combined centre.  This could be miss-leading as my understanding is that the centre of pressure close when hauled can be more like 1/3 back from the luff .  This increases the moment arm of the jib and reduces that of the main.
    Hope you back is well on the mend and you are back on the water, or will be before the end of the season.  That said don't over do it, these things all take time,  I know as I also overdo it!!

  • 30 Aug 2013 20:45
    Message # 1378058
    Having finally worked out what size my jib should be I have just recovered my original sail from the sailmaker who has cut it down by 30 odd sq ft. I fitted it today in between heavy gusts and rain squalls. I got a brief look at it fully erected but had to drop the rig when the weather got serious. This was in the marina! It looks good to me but might seem strange to you.
    A copy of my final sail-plan is lodged in the photo section. The full report will appear in October's News letter.

    Paul McKay

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       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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