Hans Shäubel and his wife visited Stavanger in 2001 on a cruise to Norway. A photo of his boat shows that the mast sits right in front of the cabin: That boat was a modified Liberty with a higher freeboard, but the trunk cabin appears to be very similar to the original.
Now I couldn’t keep my fingers away, so I plonked a sloop JR onto the plans, after having wiped out the original rig. The JR is a down-sized master sail with AR = 2.00, but with the lowest panel removed. Batten length was set to 4.00m.
Then I got a bit cold feet so re-installed the ketch rig for comparison. Actually I think the JR will be all right without causing a lee helm, after all. I would have tried it like that, but no guarantees...
(Full size diagrams at Arne's sketches, Section 7)