three weeks into cruising with the new junk rig on my Ilvy, and I can't even imagine to sail bermudan again. We pretty quickly got used to the altered handling, as it is pretty simple. The longest it probably took to find handy german words for YHP and THP, which would slip fluently enough through ones lips to shout them even in a gale. We stayed with "Kopf" (YHP) and "Hals" (THP) - quite uncreative I guess.
Tacking is fantastic. We quickly adapted to grab ones coffee cups as soon as the "ready to tack!?" is heared, and just slip to the other side of the cockpit without sacrifying one drop of that black gold.
Only few things I changed after installation and departure from Kiel:
- Before, I tried to recycle the main sheet running block for the junk rig. However, it is obviously not made for 8mm line, and the sheet often slipped in a strong gust - annoying and hurts the sheet. Replaced it with two old standard blocks from the old rig, and lead it to the portside winch (I think similar to what I saw on Arne's Ingeborg). Looks a bit cramped now, but works just fine.
- I still had two easyblock thingies laying around. Installed it in Klintholm, for FUP, YHP and THP. Works like a charme, really quick and safe, compared to my old system of using standard cleats.
- The mast is now waxed (standard candle) just where the sailbundle rests. That totaly silenced the annoying squeeking of the bundle at anchor due to swell.
- Installed telltales near the luff. However, I could not quite look through the fabric, so it was a bit useless and I teared them off again.
Some (minor) open issues remain:
- Setting, Lowering and Reefing in choppy seas: the whole sail flies around like crazy in a frantic forward-aftward motion along the mast, as soon as the sheet is let go and YHP and THP are loosened. Still need to find a sweet way to to this.
- As I did not build such a sail bundle holder as described in PJR, the bundle swings left and right quite a lot in choppy seas, even if sheeted in strongly. I guess I should have listened to the PJR...
- Oh, and I am thinking about printing a fact sheet/ FAQ for the junk rig, laminating it waterproof, and hanging it on the railing or pulpit. Always the same questions in harbors... some develop into really interesting discussions, some I could happily omit.
All in all, one of my best sailing experiences so far.
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