I launched my little boat, a Farr 500 with a homemade JR in 2020 and it was featured in issue 83of JRM. After a hectic couple of moving to another town, renovating and some sailing I have decided to make a cambered sail. While I would love to order a beautiful professionally made sail and have it arrive from NZ, the economics do not align with my scruffy little craft. Added to the fact that reselling the boat will be problematic. I feel as if I have the only JR yacht in Western Australia. Even so I have have nothing but positive comments from members of the yacht club where it is parked.
I intend to make a cambered sail using Arnes brilliant mine of information. Because I will use the same pattern and spars and sheets I will have a head start. I would welcome advice on what cloth and webbing to use bearing in mind the boat is a day sailer and although 15 knots of breeze will be common around here, to be out in 25 knots would be unlikely. I’m quite happy with my flat sail although lack of power and pointing ability in the light breezes is trying, especially when sailing with other yachts. The other problem with my present sail is its lack of UV resistance having been made of a light canvas from the local fabric shop. So apart from some doubt as to my sewing ability I would hate to put the project at risk by choosing the wrong materials.