Film crew seek traditional Chinese junk near Venice

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  • 10 Jun 2013 16:34
    Reply # 1313641 on 1313332
    Deleted user
    Edward Hooper wrote:
    Lesley Verbrugge wrote:The junk I knew of is Malay... and truly beautiful! It's been sold and the new owner is negotiating with the film company.  I received this letter from him todayls us all about it!
    Well done Lesley,
    And well done everyone who chipped in. Thanks.
    Last modified: 10 Jun 2013 16:35 | Deleted user
  • 10 Jun 2013 09:38
    Reply # 1313369 on 1310869
    Deleted user
    Excellent idea, Edward. 

    Bilbo's Belgian owner wrote perfect English,  Dominique has written in French, and although the new issue is packed with excellent photographs, it's a shame we don't have a French version for him!

    Only kind of joking Lynda! I am in danger of going off topic so I'll move to another forum pronto!
  • 10 Jun 2013 08:00
    Reply # 1313332 on 1312866
    Deleted user
    Lesley Verbrugge wrote:The junk I knew of is Malay and truly beautiful! It's been sold and the new owner is negotiating with the film company.  I received this letter from him today


    J’ai bien eu au téléphone Monsieur LAMOTTE, ce samedi.
    Il doit me recontacter ces jours ci pour me présenter son besoin (période, localisation et durée des besoins), de façon à m’organiser.
    Je vous remercie encore de m’avoir contacter, en espérant que le bateau de FRANCIS puisse continuer à enchanter nos visions et nos photos …

    Respectueuses Salutations,

    Monsieur Dominique LANGLAIS

    I have replied to him and suggested he joins the JRA and tells us all about it!
    Well done Lesley,
    Perfect example of JRA networking.
    Hope he joins.  Maybe we should send him a copy of our magazine?
  • 09 Jun 2013 11:40
    Reply # 1312866 on 1310869
    Deleted user
    The junk I knew of is Malay and truly beautiful! It's been sold and the new owner is negotiating with the film company.  I received this letter from him today


    J’ai bien eu au téléphone Monsieur LAMOTTE, ce samedi.
    Il doit me recontacter ces jours ci pour me présenter son besoin (période, localisation et durée des besoins), de façon à m’organiser.
    Je vous remercie encore de m’avoir contacter, en espérant que le bateau de FRANCIS puisse continuer à enchanter nos visions et nos photos …

    Respectueuses Salutations,

    Monsieur Dominique LANGLAIS

    I have replied to him and suggested he joins the JRA and tells us all about it!
  • 07 Jun 2013 12:59
    Reply # 1311642 on 1310869
    Deleted user
    Many thanks for those ideas which I've passed on to Stella. Perhaps best led by email from Lesley Verbrugge who knows and has emailed a Belgian who keeps a trad junk in the Med. Stella says the film company would pay for road transport to Venice.
    Last modified: 10 Jun 2013 16:32 | Deleted user
  • 07 Jun 2013 12:50
    Reply # 1311640 on 1310869


    I emailed Wayne Moran, who is the person I think mostly likely to know about Trad Chinese Junks in Europe and he confirmed my initial thoughts..... there aren't any that are seaworthy.  Although the producers might settle for a Colvin design if there are any members who are interested. 



  • 07 Jun 2013 10:39
    Reply # 1311456 on 1311291
    Deleted user
    Peter Scandling wrote:

    How did she get my name??? 

    As far as traditional Chinese junks go.... I am not sure that there are any in Europe that are seaworthy.  I know that there is a man in France who has a Vietnamese junk...... but no idea of his contact details I'm afraid :-( 



    No idea, Peter. She could have been doing random searches and google could pop up your name on one of the public fora. If the shoot is next week she's left it a bit late, but I'll pass your info and Gary's on. Thanks.
  • 07 Jun 2013 03:12
    Reply # 1311303 on 1310869
    Deleted user
    They should go to the French site "jonques de plaisance" and ask.
    I like their designs, quite trad looking.
    Last modified: 07 Jun 2013 03:13 | Deleted user
  • 07 Jun 2013 02:42
    Reply # 1311291 on 1310869

    How did she get my name??? 

    As far as traditional Chinese junks go.... I am not sure that there are any in Europe that are seaworthy.  I know that there is a man in France who has a Vietnamese junk...... but no idea of his contact details I'm afraid :-( 



  • 06 Jun 2013 18:29
    Message # 1310869
    Deleted user
    Lynda received this by email today. Has anyone ever seen a traditional junk in or near Venice? I have replied that we have no Italian members and that I can find no trace on the web of any real junks in Italy. Brian.

    Dear Mr Scandling,
    Nice to meet you, I am Stella Rossini, Production Coordinator at Iconoclast a french production company. I come to you for a very special asking. I am actually searching for a Junk to rent for an advertising shoot in Venise the week of the 24th.

    It's really complicated to find a Junk in Europe. And because of our shooting delay we can't use one coming directly from Asia. We need the junk to be in Venise next week...

    As you are the Junk Rig Association I take the liberty to send you this email just in case you have an idea to solve our problem.

    Perhaps you know junks owners in Europe ? In that case it would be amazing to send us their contacts (and a photo of the junk if you have one)

    Thanks you very much for your help.

    Best Regards,

    Stella Rossini
    Production Coordinator
    @ Iconoclast
    +33 6 71 37 18 40
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