Sleeping arrangements on a Kingfisher 20+, and under-berth arrangements generally

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  • 20 Feb 2013 15:47
    Reply # 1213244 on 1213057
    Deleted user
    Hi George. I built the entire interior of our KF20+ and mostly copied the whole of the standard design: two bunks up front with mast between, and two in the saloon. I don't remember fitting an infill arrangement to convert the forward berths into a 'double', but that could be doable by fitting battens along the inner edges of the berths with a flat board in between. Then you have to think of a place to keep that board in the daytime... The mast would get in the way some. It's a pretty common arrangement even on bigger boats.
  • 20 Feb 2013 09:33
    Message # 1213057
    Deleted user
    the main berths in the kingfisher 20+ arte pretty small.
    i'm thinking about a diy-solution to build a whole flat layer which connects the two berths at night to one layer – but for the day i need the two berths again…
    any suggestions?
    Last modified: 07 Mar 2013 00:13 | Deleted user
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