David Tyler wrote:
Georg Warnecke wrote:can you by chance show some pictures of you suggestions, please?
thank you very much in advance for your efforts; indeed! :-))
I've put a photo of my port settee arrangement in my profile.
David's link does not work, giving "Resource not found", just as some of Arne's links have failed in the past. The photo is in David's profile album, where I found it by going direct to it. I tried to explain before what I think goes wrong with these links, but here goes again :-
When David or Arne opens their own picture in their own photo album in their own profile, Wild Apricot refers to it by a link containing the string /Content/Members/PhotoGallery/PhotoPage . When another member opens the same picture the link contains the string /Content/Members/PhotoGallery/PublicPhotoPage , because they are not referring to their own album but to one which has allowed public access. So, the link has been copied without the Public part of the string. Then, when another member clicks the link Wild Apricot thinks he is referring to his own profile album, finds the file is not in there, and indeed the resource referred to is not found.
Unless WA can give guidance to the contrary, it seems members cannot insert a link to photos in their profile albums.