Boat Identification

  • 06 Nov 2021 09:09
    Reply # 12104538 on 12101720
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    That Valgerda design may well have been inspired by the boats from around the Hardanger fjord. The profile is very similar, with those characteristic, lengthened stems sticking out. However, this is probably a slightly simplified design. The originals had more subtle lines in the lower plank: The builder often started with a thick piece of timber and then carved out the lowest plank to get sufficient twist. Steaming was not used. These 4-oar boats generally varied between 14 and 17’, so Valgerda is approaching the seksæring (6-oar) size.

    A færing would generally be rowed to windward and only sailed in winds below a close reach. Their narrow wl. beam made them initially tender, but easy rowers. The Valgerda, built of ¼” plywood would have been terribly light and tender without that ballast. She would of course have worked fine with a JR, as most boats do.


  • 06 Nov 2021 03:37
    Reply # 12104050 on 12101720

    Hi Nicolaas,

    it looks a bit like a Hardangersjekte, a plywood version of a Hardanger Fjord traditional boat, designed by John Atkin, if my memory serves me right!! I helped build one back in the early 1980's when I lived in California. It had a sprit rig and would probably be fine with a junk rig. It sailed quite nicely, but was a bit tender.

    All the best, David.

    I just had a look on the internet and the design is here

    Last modified: 06 Nov 2021 04:00 | Anonymous member
  • 05 Nov 2021 19:06
    Reply # 12102985 on 12101720
    Anonymous wrote:

    Apparently there was a bit of a trend for putting junk rigs on canoes in the late 19th early 20th c.

    This pic from “canoe travelling” - free from google books - by Warrington Baden Powell

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  • 05 Nov 2021 10:03
    Message # 12101720

    I just sold my keelboat and I'm already thinking of next one or two but perhaps of the smaller kind.

    My old man picked this up at an auction. No mast etc. I'm thinking of taking this on as a project for when I visit.

    Any help with identification and what kind of rig she was designed for etc would be great also thoughts putting junk on her.

    2 files
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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