Galley alcohol, gas, diesel and induction cookers/ovens

  • 10 Jun 2024 11:51
    Reply # 13368115 on 13368112
    Anonymous wrote:


    have you tried to cool the tank with a wet rag, just to see if that causes the power drop?


    Yes, indeed. First with a wet rag, which already helped a lot, but did not last long as the rag warmed up rather quickly. For improvement I looked for something with a higher thermal mass - and found a plastic zipper bag. That tiny little bugger, filled with cool seawater and stuffed behind and under the tank, lasts significantly longer. But still, this cannot be the final solution, its still a prototype. 

    I guess the stainless ikea dish plays a huge role in the problem: free air circulation is restricted a lot in my setup.

    1 file
  • 10 Jun 2024 11:23
    Reply # 13368112 on 1195343
    Anonymous member (Administrator)


    have you tried to cool the tank with a wet rag, just to see if that causes the power drop?


  • 10 Jun 2024 10:49
    Reply # 13368107 on 13244157
    Anonymous wrote:

    I picked up one of these to replace my standard gas. Delightful thing from Toplicht called Mambo 2 for just over €100

    We have the single-action version on Ilvy

    , called "HPV Salsa". It fits perfectly into a stainless dish from Ikea, which prevents any bigger damage if ever some spilled ethanol ignites. The preheating device in this Salsa thing looked quite dangerous to me...

    Also, I pimped it up a bit: into the refill screw, which originally just a plain open hole for ventilation, I installed a grease nipple. Onto this nipple I put a grease nipple cap, whenever we go sailing, so that no ethanol might be spilled due to heeling. And I added a aluminium rod, to fasten standard pot holders if needed.

    The Salsa works okay. It could have a bit more power for roasting. Interestingly, after 10-15 min the power decreases significantly while the device housing and tank ist getting hot. I suspect it does not like the ethanol getting warm in the tank, but have not yet understand why.

    1 file
  • 05 Jun 2024 22:32
    Reply # 13366490 on 1195343
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A little video on the evolution of a galley box, which might be of interest to small boat cruisers. Here.

    Includes a simple boiling-time test.

  • 28 Oct 2023 23:20
    Reply # 13272783 on 1195343

    Just as a little follow up in case anyone is interested. 

    I stripped off all the gas gubbins from the existing stove,  the Mamba fitted in perfectly so I now have a perfectly gimballed alcohol stove.

    Perversely, the yard where I am doing my refit were landfilling some abandoned boats from one of which I salvaged a perfect Origo 3000 totally free of charge. 

    With one of the spare burners, I am planning to create a working oven. 

    2 files
  • 23 Aug 2023 03:56
    Reply # 13244392 on 13244310
    Anonymous wrote:

    Here's a heart-warming little clip of a Trangia in action.

    I bought one of these, it was quite inexpensive. When I get a round tuit, I'm going to set up a match-race between that and the Origo.

    Since the Trangia is round then it will work better with the tuits :-)

    The Trangia design is quite efficient for the fuel it uses, since the heat is "contained" with the pot. Now I must test my kelly kettle with a trangia burner; that could be quite efficient at the one job the kelly kettle does.

  • 22 Aug 2023 23:33
    Reply # 13244310 on 1195343
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Here's a heart-warming little clip of a Trangia in action.

    I bought one of these, it was quite inexpensive. When I get a round tuit, I'm going to set up a match-race between that and the Origo.

    You've gotta have the gingernut biscuits.

    Last modified: 23 Aug 2023 04:38 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 22 Aug 2023 18:26
    Reply # 13244157 on 1195343

    I picked up one of these to replace my standard gas. Delightful thing from Toplicht called Mambo 2 for just over €100

    1 file
  • 22 Aug 2023 10:15
    Reply # 13243930 on 1195343
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Something a little more prosaic: pot clamps.

    I'm probably going to stick with the Origo (give it a go, anyway). I'm sad I don't think I've got room to swing it - always had a swung stove in the past, always worked perfectly, cooked many a breakfast while beam-on to the annoying SW chop we get here, waiting for the longline gear to soak. "No worries" they all say, "scows don't heel much, have it fixed and just use pot clamps".

    Well, mine didn't come with pot clamps.

    I suppose I can make something.

    I looked on a facebook page this afternoon called "sailing on a shoestring" and almost immediately found two different types of Origo pot clamp which might just do the trick!

    Last modified: 23 Aug 2023 04:41 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 13 Aug 2023 13:04
    Reply # 13240254 on 1195343

    I also think that the wind shield improves the efficiency of the burner. 
    With brennspiritus (94% ethanol) it burns better (the flame is lower and bluer)….now I know the difference between bio ethanol (100% ethanol) and brennspiritus (94% to 96% ethanol) :)

    ciao Mauro 

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