Some fotos of the Salsa/Mamba burner:
foto 1 & 2:
the fuel runs through the lower, long pipe, which goes through the actual burner. Then into the thin, vertical pipe, which includes a nozzle in the top region. This nozzles faces into the open, upper, vertical tube. Which then leads into the upper burner part and distributes into the burner nozzle ring.
foto 3:
filling the preheat dish with cold, liquid ethanol from the nozzle. You csn see the stream of liquid flowing out.
foto 4:
foto 5:
steady burning after preheating, ready for cooking. The valve is fully opened. Note: there is no liquid flowing out of the nozzle anymore, only gasified ethanol. I guess the aim of that nozzle-into-open-tube-design is to generate a burnable mix of gasified ethanol and oxygen.