Galley alcohol, gas, diesel and induction cookers/ovens

  • 19 Sep 2017 23:10
    Reply # 5270316 on 5268397
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Mark Thomasson wrote:

    Good work Arne,  have you tried it with the pan in place?  It may help... or not. 

    That is a very good point, Mark!

    I may well have over-focused on the yellow torch flame with no pot or pan on the burner.  Today I made several boil-tests on ½-litres of water. I have to say that whatever version of the booster and set-up I used, my best time with the booster on was 20-30seconds worse than with no booster on (and copper tube removed).

    The time to boil 0.5 litre was 4:30 minutes at the first test with only the original burner. On later tests without booster, the time to boil went up to 5:20 min. The difference between the tests was that I had to fill water from a new can, which had been sitting under the cabin sole, so may have been a bit colder. The other was that the kettle now was wet on the outside, after cooling it down before next test. I noticed it took quite some time for the wet kettle to dry up on the outside.

    Still, the best I could get with the booster on and wet kettle was about 5:45 minutes  -  25seconds slower than without the booster on.

    Sooo, I am now listing several degrees to this conclusion:
    Those cunning Swedes who designed the Origo 3000 alcohol stove has done a quite good job. Look at the photo to the right, below. The primary flame is coming up that central tube. With no pot on, the flame rushes right up without getting mixed in more air. However, there is a gap outside that tube where air can rise easily. With a kettle or pan on, this air will partly mix with the central flame, and the result is a better combustion than with no kettle on. It isn’t perfect, but not bad either. There is some blue, red and white in the flame at full power. As the burner is turned down, there is more and more blue in the flame, and it is fully blue on minimum setting.

    It seems that my booster was a failure, but at least it was interesting  -  and

     ..a negative result is also a result...


    PS: How is time to boil of 0.5 litre of water on your stoves? I guess the 4:30min I achieved, was with 15°C water and, as said, with a dry kettle.

    PPS: I have a couple of ideas left to try, but...

    20170920 The stove in use. Note the central yellow flame which spreads into blue up along the side. Not much difference with or without the booster on.

    (Photo album, section 5 - 47)

    Last modified: 16 Jun 2024 16:07 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 19 Sep 2017 17:33
    Reply # 5268765 on 1195343
    Deleted user


    What do you figure is the pressure and volume of the bicycle pump method when you get a good blue flame?

  • 19 Sep 2017 13:59
    Reply # 5268397 on 1195343

    Good work Arne,  have you tried it with the pan in place?  It may help... or not. 

  • 19 Sep 2017 08:48
    Reply # 5268124 on 5266001
    Scott Dufour wrote:
    Arne Kverneland wrote: Fans don't seem to do the job. They just make a disturbing wind. 

    I'm replacing "Fans" with "_______", and making this my new mantra for anything I see on the political news channels.

    Very apposite: we are just coming up for an election here!
  • 19 Sep 2017 01:44
    Reply # 5267091 on 1195343
    Deleted user

    Secretly I'm hoping that only the bike pump works and there will be a youtube video of Arne pumping up his supper  :-)  Or, perhaps a black-smith's bellows instead.... nice and low tech, just like the Junk Rig.   Seriously though, I wonder if the combustion might also be effected by the heat sink of the larger ring of copper?  Thanks for sharing the results.

    Last modified: 19 Sep 2017 01:44 | Deleted user
  • 18 Sep 2017 23:18
    Reply # 5266960 on 1195343
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This afternoon I made another try. I shaped a length of 10mm (od.) copper tube to a ring (resembling a question mark) and drilled a number of 1mm holes for air jets in it to sit around one of the Origo stove’s burner. I first connected it to only one outlet of the aquarium pump (from now on called the booster). It definitely improves combustion, but there is not enough oomph in it to turn the flame fully blue. I then fed both outlets to that copper tube, and even drilled more holes in it. I am unsure of this. It could be that the pressure is on the low side or that the air capacity is insufficient. After all, the booster's combined capacity of 360 litre/hour is only 100ccm per second.

    Anyway, before I again hook up the car tyre pump, I will try to fix the tube to the stove and then find if time to boil 0.5litre of water is shorter with the booster on than with it off.

    Here is from today’s test, without and with the booster on.


    20170918 The Origo burner without the booster (air pump) connected

    20170918 seconds later: The booster is adding air to the flame via about 15 1mm air jets. Note the copper tube surrounding the burner.

    (see photo album section 5)

    Last modified: 16 Jun 2024 15:56 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 18 Sep 2017 13:44
    Reply # 5266001 on 5263270
    Deleted user
    Arne Kverneland wrote: Fans don't seem to do the job. They just make a disturbing wind. 

    I'm replacing "Fans" with "_______", and making this my new mantra for anything I see on the political news channels.

  • 16 Sep 2017 08:20
    Reply # 5263270 on 5262985
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Annie Hill wrote:

    You can, of course, get little fans that run from dry cell batteries, but I doubt that they would suit.  I'm watching with interest.

    Fans don't seem to do the job. They just make a disturbing wind. The air jets from that initial test with a copper tube looked more promising. Now I have received the aquarium air-pump which hopefully will produce the necessary pressure. A good thing if this turns out to work, is that the setup doesn't require one to raise the pots higher on the stove. It can be used just like before.

    I hope to make a little test today.


    Last modified: 18 Sep 2017 14:39 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 15 Sep 2017 23:36
    Reply # 5262985 on 1195343

    You can, of course, get little fans that run from dry cell batteries, but I doubt that they would suit.  I'm watching with interest.

  • 15 Sep 2017 05:12
    Reply # 5261641 on 1195343
    Deleted user

    I should have known, a person has to get up pretty early in the morning to beat you to an idea Arne!  I look forward to hearing how the rest of your experiment goes.  

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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