Galley alcohol, gas, diesel and induction cookers/ovens

  • 02 Jul 2023 22:46
    Reply # 13222833 on 1195343

    Thanks for that Tony. I have been trying to find that style of stove for awhile now with very little luck. Alcohol stoves have really vanished from the market and I don't want to put gas into my boat. 

  • 02 Jul 2023 09:02
    Reply # 13222714 on 1195343

    Toplicht in Germany are selling these German-made spirit stoves, both single and double burner versions. The price is quite reasonable at €83 for the single burner and  €127 for the two-burner version. I have no idea if they're any good, but have ordered a single burner one to try out. It should sit nicely on top of my Dickenson for use in warmer climes :)

    P.S. I've also seen them on Amazon, but for a slightly higher price and possibly (but only possibly) a knock-off version.

  • 30 Jun 2023 04:06
    Reply # 13222028 on 13038742
    Anonymous wrote:

    I don't make bread every day or even every alternate day: I'd never be able to get through so much.  I don't have a fridge so it I'll have to carry on using dried yeast.

    You just feed it every two days or so, and then, if it grows to large just dispose of the excess. No need to actually *bake* that often.

  • 11 May 2023 11:04
    Reply # 13199375 on 1195343

    For those of you, who like me have downsized to much smaller boats. Who don't have a lot of room for a galley I came across this galley box. I have since found the designer and he sent me this link. I also have the construction files.

    Galley box

  • 30 Dec 2022 03:50
    Reply # 13038742 on 1195343

    Ah, no, this seems like a uniquely North American thing.  In every other English-speaking country I've lived in, whole wheat and whole grain are interchangeable.  I've never hear of anyone taking flour to bits and reassembling it before.  All the whole flour I've ever bought has a limited shelf life, especially in the Tropics.  Fresh flour should keep about six months, but if its provenance is at all dubious I wouldn't bet on it.IIt's easy to tell when it's gone stale: the texture changes and it has a sour smell.

    It makes me wonder what I was putting into my bread when I was in North America.  I'd have thought whole meant whole - not reconstituted!

    I don't make bread every day or even every alternate day: I'd never be able to get through so much.  I don't have a fridge so it I'll have to carry on using dried yeast.

  • 18 Dec 2022 16:29
    Reply # 13029197 on 13028376
    Anonymous wrote:Re sourdough.  How did people care for it before refrigeration, I wonder?  And what I'd the difference between wholewheat and whole grain?

    Sourdough fed daily (even every second day), does not need refrigeration. Refrigeration just lets one be a little more lazy. When bread is made daily, a little bit of dough saved from yesterdays bread just before "benching" works fine.

    In North America "whole wheat flour" is AP (possibly bleached but hopefully not) with the proper amount of wheat bran added. "Whole grain" is ground in one operation and includes everything the grain came with, including the wheat germ which "whole wheat" flour does not have. I do not know if this holds the world over but it likely does.

    Whole wheat flour is more shelf stable and holds it properties well over time. I am sure this is why the flour companies do things this way. Whole grain flour seems to have a range of age where it makes really nice bread and if chilled or frozen this range can be extended for a long time. Whole grain does spoil faster.

    So whole wheat flour may be the best choice for long term cruising. Keeping a small amount of sourdough in one's tiny fridge may still make sense on a boat as it uses a lot less flour to keep alive (1/10th- ish). Well preserved white flour kills sourdough, I am not sure what that says for what it does to our health. Robin hood AP flour almost killed my sourdough the last time I used that, use UB instead if you must have white bread.

    AP = All Purpose

    UB = UnBleached (similar protein content to AP)

    Protein in flour is determined by the species of wheat used. The protein in question is gluten, nature's polymer (epoxy?) that makes the bread rise.

  • 17 Dec 2022 06:04
    Reply # 13028376 on 1195343

    It's great to see an alcohol stove back in production.  I see that they are also selling the Omnia oven and implying that it's ideal for the Origo type of cooker.  I have an Omnia and have been really disappointed with it.  The trouble is that the flame spreader, for want of a better term, on the Origo doesn't really spread it that much.  It's not like a gas flame, radiating out at a shallow angle all around: in fact it essentially goes straight up.  The Omnia oven has a funnel up the middle, presumably to diffuse the heat more effectively.  However, what I've found is the heat just goes straight up there, making even the handle on the lid impossibly hot, while doing little to heat up the plate that the oven sits in.

    If anyone has more and happier experience with the Origo/Omnia combination, would you mind either discussing it here, or dropping me a line, please?

    Re sourdough.  How did people care for it before refrigeration, I wonder?  And what I'd the difference between wholewheat and whole grain?

    Last modified: 17 Dec 2022 06:05 | Anonymous member
  • 12 Dec 2022 11:24
    Reply # 13022293 on 1195343

    Well spotted Frederik! Great to see someone taking on the manufacture of this and it does look well made. 

    Oriondo 3000 €390

    Gimbals €94

    Pot holders €102

    Hopefully one of the big online chandleries will order a good volume and get the price down. 

  • 12 Dec 2022 08:17
    Reply # 13022220 on 1195343

    There is a firm in Sweden making another version of the 1500/3000. It’s called Oriondo. Looks like they’ve been improved some too.

    The website is in Danish. 

    Google “hjertmans oriondo”

    The sourdough I use has been going for 5-6 years now. It has survived a lot of abuse. I keep it alive by feeding it whatever there's at hand, and putting it in fridge when I’m gone for longer periods. Nothing fancy. 

    Whether it’ll survive at sea, I really don’t know. Time will tell. 


    Last modified: 12 Dec 2022 18:39 | Anonymous member
  • 11 Dec 2022 23:15
    Reply # 13021843 on 1195343

    I had a Ravia, which is very similar to a Maxie and changed to an Origo. Two things triggered the change. In the first incident, I was using two burners to cook, one low to simmer and one on high. I went into the cockpit for a moment  and was distracted by a passer by. When I went back to the stove, the simmering burner had blown out and had leaked a significant amount of metho. I don't know why I did not have a fire. 

    A friend had a fire, a leak developed in his stove at the back of the burners while the stove was in use. He was not aware of the leak and ended up with a fire under the stove and in the locker below. It consumed three extinguishers before it was out. Yes, of course he could have used water to extinguish it, but in the panic, he forgot.

    the result for me was a change to a two burner Origo. When an oven is needed, I use a two handled pot with a glass lid and an oven thermometer placed so I can see it. This  allows manual regulation of the temperature. The oven replacement system had not had much use but I am happy with it so far.

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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