Boat of the Month comments (starting from September 2012)

  • 04 Mar 2015 11:42
    Reply # 3241650 on 1064491
    Deleted user

    Lady Arwen looks lovely and going well. 


  • 04 Mar 2015 09:39
    Reply # 3241631 on 1064491
    Deleted user

    Very good choice, Mr. Webmaster - Lady Arwen looks like a proper, solid boat, with a beautiful flat junk rig and in that photo looks like she's making good ground to windward.

  • 03 Aug 2013 21:08
    Reply # 1357754 on 1064491
    Deleted user
    Yep, as do the Googled boats on the site's home page :-)
  • 03 Aug 2013 02:01
    Reply # 1357307 on 1064491
    I know - it's getting difficult to keep up with latest fads and fashions :-}  Different colours, split rigs, fanned sails, how to put in camber - ah, once it was all so simple.  PJR, a load of canvas and off you went.

    But all this is so much fun!!!

    BTW, I know that I'm a teensy-weensy bit prejudiced, but it strikes me that every single BOTM looks right and most of them were originally designed for pointy sails.  I have had so many people say "Oh, but you couldn't but a junk rig on a Thingy 38!"  But all these photos are showing that JR looks good on any boat.

  • 02 Aug 2013 08:40
    Reply # 1356777 on 1356615
    Deleted user
    Gary Pick wrote:I love the red panels.
    The new trend, we're out off fashion before even launched... :(
  • 02 Aug 2013 00:19
    Reply # 1356615 on 1064491
    I love the red panels.
  • 01 Aug 2013 23:59
    Reply # 1356610 on 1064491
    Deleted user
    If anyone wants to comment on the new Boat of the Month, this is the place!
  • 06 Mar 2013 04:01
    Reply # 1234832 on 1064491
    Excellent Brian.
  • 05 Mar 2013 21:43
    Reply # 1234538 on 1064491
    Deleted user
    Well I guess we should have a thread for BOTM comments. I've turned this into that by changing the title. Thanks Gary.
    Last modified: 13 Mar 2013 20:11 | Deleted user
  • 05 Mar 2013 09:30
    Reply # 1233940 on 1064491
    I didn't want to start a new thread so searched for a BOTM thread. I didn't realise it was for September...oops.
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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