A SibLing with coachroof and keel, no bilgeboards

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  • 10 Mar 2021 18:38
    Message # 10182961

    I'm in discussions with a JRA member (whom I won't name until he's made his intentions known to us all himself) about the possibility of adapting the SibLim design to his needs. Which are that more headroom and a longer, wider double berth are needed, as he and his partner are a lot taller than Annie. The saloon will probably remain essentially the same, but the main berth will move aft on the port side with the heads on the starboard side, as there are to be no bilgeboards; instead there is to be a fixed keel of 95cm draught for ease and speed of building, and lower costs and complexity. The deeper ballast means that the rig can be taller, and I've added an extra panel onto the bottom of FanShi's sail. The companionway will not be like FanShi's, but the design has yet to be confirmed. The cockpit will be simpler than FanShi's, with simpler, wider seating.

    Is anyone else seriously interested in a SibLim variant like this?

    1 file
    Last modified: 30 Jun 2021 07:00 | Anonymous member
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