Hi Guys,
This thread has raised an number of important issues and highlighted a surprising amount of misunderstanding which should be cleared up.
It started with two good questions by Scott in post #4793670. The first one asked, “Why not balance the sail as much as possible?”
I suppose the answer is that the classic 'pretty' fan topped Chinese rig with the high peaked yard pushed the sail aft and was limited to minimum balance for close-hauled sailing, and the Hasler/ McLeod westernised development and commercial Sunbird copies followed along the same lines. Once camber was incorporated in the rigs by whatever means it became desirable to include luff hauling parrels and fore and aft balance controls, and resulted in rigs that were rather loosely attached to the masts and required anti-fan up controls. The net result was a rig with its many adjustments that one sailor claimed cost more than the actual boat.
However some of the river junks used a more square topped low yard angle rig with greater balance, and the nearest westernised version of this rig was that drawn up by Derek van Loan. Following my analysis of the various designs available I realised the many advantages of this simple rig.
At university we were told that engineers should kiss. Our all male group agreed whole heartily, and where I really cannot remember much about some of the lectures I have spent the rest of my life applying the advice to everything in my life. The KISS principle brings the complicated fan-topped junk rig back to reality. The split rig is based on this KISS principal. It includes as many good aerodynamic practices as I could include in a simple cloth and stick, low tech, low cost rig and easily sailed rig that still returns impressive performance.
In answer to Scott's question, it does incorporate as much balance as would appear to be practical, with all the advantages that go with it. It also answers Scott's second question about moving the rig back and forward on different points of sail. With the sail fully forward on all points of sail there is no need for such controls and the rig can be securely attached to the mast all the time. KISS.
The problem appears to arise in David T's response in #4793778 where he states, “but as much as possible is in fact with the mast at about 25% of chord, and if you go for more than this, there is a danger of the sail over-balancing -”. This is not the case, but I can fully understand why David has got this impression which I also held when I was initially looking at rig designs.
It is possible that David has designed and built more westernised junk and wing sail rigs than possibly anyone else in the world, and not only reported on their good points but had the strength of character to criticise his own work where he has found problems. I would love to read an ordered list of his many rigs and their main features, and the boats they were tested on, as I believe we would learn from the information. He has, however, possibly only a couple of hours experience of the split rig on Amiina, and if I remember correctly that was at a time when the rig had not been installed as per the design specification. I understand that despite his wide ranging experience he has no experience of sailing on a boat properly rigged with balance around 33%.
It is easy, with hind sight, to understand the 25% mental block, which I also struggled with initially. Open any aero/hydrodynamic book on symmetrical foils and you will read, taking an example, that the NACA 00 series foils have a neutral/ balance point of 24% chord, and with imperfections in manufacture this tended to be 25%, an easy figure to remember. So in theory a rig like the split rig which is the same on both tacks is theoretically symmetrical and should follow this rule. This is not the case as the rig changes camber from one tack to the other, and is asymmetric when in use. The NACA 00 series starts producing lift even at 1° on either tack and stalls at around 15°, but with a split rig the tight main leach will be trying to weather-cock the rig and the jib luff will be luffing until the jib luff fills at around the entry angle defined by sheeting angle plus camber which may be about 15 to 20° (from the top of my head).
It was only when I bumped into Roger Stollery of model yachting fame that I discovered that he had run a full set of experiments with balanced model rigs and discovered that a rig with up to 33% area balance was perfectly safe to use, and there are thousands of model boats throughout the world using these figures successfully. The Aero Rig by CarboSpars was a full size copy of his rigs which did not make full use of the rigs abilities.
One point which has emerged from this thread is that the definition of the 33% must be clarified. It is clear in my mind, but others have possibly found a different understanding. In the model rigs there is virtually no gap between the leech of the jibs and the mast, and on my 'Footy' model the jib leech actually slightly overlaps the mast at one point, the mast being only 3mm diameter! On Poppy, and subsequent rigs there has been a slot drawn between the mast centre line/ pivot point and the leech of the jibs and where I have included this in the 33% balance calculations some would appear to have added this afterwards, moving the 33% jib further forward and possibly causing stability problems.
When I draw up a rig, I take the total rig outline, including the slot and guestimate the centre of area at 50% of the total chord, jib luff to main leech, and position it on the centre of area line of the original Bermudan rig. This is not strictly accurate, as the aft part of the sail is taller than the fore part, but experience has shown that it is not that critical, and this is the KISS way to do it. I have then drawn the 33% chord line for the mast and drawn a minimum slot which I suppose is subtracted from the 33% area. All these simplifications move towards a more stable set up. I have drawn rigs up to 35% balance with these simplifications and they have been perfectly stable in use.
When on the dead run the split rig is not necessarily full stalled as the cambered luff of both the jibs and main seem to encourage the wind to flow round the lee side of the sail and appear to give additional drive. Whether this is a major point or not, I seen no reason to add complication in moving the rig from the 33% balance, particularly as this is the best ratio for bending moments of the battens.
I try to keep the gap between jib leech and main luff to a minimum but wide enough to let the air flow from the windward side of the jib get past the mast, thus a fatter mast gets a wider slot.
Regarding mast rake, I'm a great believer in a vertical mast well installed and left alone. KISS.
Reading Bert's posting, #4840027, there are a few concerning points, and Scott's comments in posting #4840083 show a clear approach to the problem in that there are two separate balance problems, and it would appear that in Bert'c case both are outside practical limits. We frequently talk of C of E when we are referring to C of A, and this causes no end of confusion. The Centre of Area (C of A) is the one we can calculate and draw, and this is generally used in rig design. The Centre of Effort (C of E) is a dynamic point which moves when either wind speed and/or direction vary, and will also depend on camber shape and depth. As expected, experience has shown that the C of E of the cambered split junk rig is a lot further forward than on a flat Hasler/ Mcleod rig, and if Bert's split rig is in the flat rig fore and aft position then lee helm is to be expected.
Add to this, there is the overbalance and instability problem with the actual rig. Looking at the photo in Bert's photo album it is difficult to see how much camber has been built into the rig, but by taking simple horizontal measurements from the photo it would appear that in the split panels the jibs have 33% of the total area but have been moved forward by the width of the wide slot so that the mast/ pivot appears to be at over 38% of the total jib luff to main leech chord. It is not surprising that this is unstable. It would be interesting to see a copy of the rig and hull drawings to see exactly what is happening. If the camber is as flat as it seems in the photo that would exasperate the problem.
All previous reports I have seen on split rigs have shown no problems in these areas, so this is a particularly interesting situation.
I hope this makes sense, and that we can get a good solution to Bert's problems.
Cheers, Slieve.
PS. Yes, Manchester is a worry to everyone anywhere in the world.