Luff Hauling Parrel Material

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  • 17 Sep 2023 16:53
    Reply # 13255519 on 13255490

    Hi Cy, I've used polyethylene ("polythene"), line for luff hauling parrels in the past. It's slippery and strong enough, but has no UV resistance at all. That's ok - it's cheap as chips. You won't find it in a chandlery; ask for washing line.

  • 17 Sep 2023 15:05
    Message # 13255490

    Hi All,

    This is my first post. We've been fortunate (rash) enough to get our hands on Mike Ruffles' old boat "Ruffles Spray" a schooner rigged Spray 38. I'm also fortunate that Mike kept most of the old paperwork including the original rigging and sailing manuals from Sunbird.

    The original paperwork calls for hawser laid polypropylene line for the upper and lower luff hauling parrels because it's 'slippery'. By heck it's awful to deal with! On the hands as well as coiling neatly -I haven't tried but I guess it would be impossible to stuff in a bag as well...

    I know Mike got on with it perfectly well for 20+ years but I really don't like it! Can anyone suggest a more modern alternative that still deals with the friction without 'grabbing' and making me feel like a complete novice when I'm trying to keep my lines tidy? Our masts are tapered, varnished, Douglas Fir.

    I hope this makes sense. If it's not a Technical question then please feel free to move this somewhere better.

    Many thanks


    Last modified: 17 Sep 2023 20:07 | Anonymous member
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