Other Projects & Events
We publicise here the work of organisations and individuals other than the JRA, that may be of interest to our members. 

If you are a member of the JRA, please post details here, yourself. If it's a calendar event, please use 'Event' in the subject line and we'll pin it to the top of the list so it's visible.

If you are not a JRA member and would like us to publicise your event or project, please submit your copy in text format (rtf or txt) to our Sailing Secretary. We need full details with a short description, website URL if available, the name of the project/event, the type of event and a contact name and email/phone number.

Responsibility for issues of safety, insurance and financial commitment, lies with the individual taking part, as the JRA itself is not organising or endorsing these events and cannot be held liable for any adverse outcome.

Other Links

Since the site was set up, members have passed on links to websites they've discovered.
These can be found in:
Junk Information > Useful Links > Other Websites
and in Junk Information > Useful Links > Members' Blogs & Websites.
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