Mini junk sail for multiple uses

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  • 30 Aug 2018 07:13
    Reply # 6645494 on 6642768
    Oh my,

    you are absolutely amazing, Arne! Thank you for this! 

    I should be able to estimate the measurements from the sketch, shouldn't I? Or do you have the numbers (you had to come up with the 0.39smq from somewhere)?

    And dont worry - I find it difficult to follow my own thoughts all the time...

  • 29 Aug 2018 13:44
    Reply # 6644171 on 6642768
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Jami, it isn't easy to follow your fertile mind. I was focusing on making your boat track better and increase rudder authority, so produced the sketch below of an extra rudder. If you offset the rudder 20cm to one side, and the outboard 20cm to the other, you should have a useful compromise.

    Something like that.


    Last modified: 29 Aug 2018 15:45 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 29 Aug 2018 11:42
    Reply # 6644090 on 6642768
    To be clear: this idea is only partly due to the trimming issues of my Galion. The multi-purpose minisail just popped up while I was thinking about this.

    Whether it would be wise to add a foresail or not (probably not), it seems like a valid plan to use a small sail as an anchor sail and to sail a dinghy, doesn't it?

  • 29 Aug 2018 10:52
    Reply # 6644057 on 6642768
    Anonymous member (Administrator)


    You are of course free to do what you like with your boat  -  it is yours, after all. However, since you ask for advice, here is mine:

    If the boat were mine, I would rather fit a new rudder onto the transom. This would be as deep as possible (about as deep as the original one), and with some balance area in it. It should still clear the original rudder, which I would keep. The original tiller would be replaces with a very short one and generally kept in central position. The 'old' rudder  would then turn into a big course-stabilising skeg, The new rudder, made with a NACA 0017 profile, would be more efficient, both because of its shape and because of its increased distance from the boats CG and CLR.


    Last modified: 29 Aug 2018 15:17 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 28 Aug 2018 18:35
    Message # 6642768

    Warning: this might be a stupid idea.

    While thinking about different solutions to tackle the weather helm and stability issues of my Galion 22, I started wondering about a tiny junk foresail. This would be something like 2-3 sqm in size, with three or four panels. The superlight mast would be installed in a tube fastened at the bow and the sail remotely controlled from the cockpit. 

    This is nothing new, i suppose.

    The stupid part comes with the multi-use of the easily installed and uninstalled mini-sail: it would also be possible to use it as an anchor sail and on a dinghy with minimal extra installments at the stern and on the dinghy. 

    Has anyone done this?

    Last modified: 28 Aug 2018 18:36 | Anonymous member
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