Aluminium Yards and Booms

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  • 29 Feb 2012 22:53
    Reply # 839900 on 839228

    I used 65x3 Main tube and 25x3 tension tube for Annie's yard which is about the same length as you need. If you like I'll send you the drawing. But I thing 50 would probably be OK, as the yard I gave Annie was originally desighed for LC's foresail which needed to be very robust.

    It's worked well for Annie. It is probably heaver than Annie needs, none the less it is very light and having a good reserve is no handicap. Most yards are built to lightly.

    PS. I just uploaded the files to "AnniesConversion" in Box. Both pdf's and dxf's. I actually used a dinghy mast section for Annie's yard (2.2mm wall) but what I said above still applies.
    Last modified: 01 Mar 2012 00:26 | Anonymous member
  • 29 Feb 2012 11:27
    Message # 839228
    Having spent a good part of a very hot afternoon trying to chase down some  suitable Oregon for my Yard and Boom. I have decided that it will be cheaper and consume less time and energy to use Aluminium. My plan is to use the simple truss patten that Arne and a few others have used. A tube of around 50mm x 3mm, a Halyard takeoff plate near the middle and 25mm x 1.5mm or 3mm tubing as the bracing. My Yard will be 4.6 m long and my sail is around 30.2 square metres. My question is regarding the wall thicknesses, particularly the bracing, would 1.5mm be thick enough?
    I know I grow bamboo but I don't actually want to use it for the Yard and Boom.
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