Help needed in North Wales

  • 26 Nov 2016 16:10
    Reply # 4412475 on 4377652
    Deleted user

    I am delighted to report that with the assistance of Jesters and Junk Rig Assn. members Somerled is now launched at Pwllheli, North Wales and test sailed and motored yesterday 25/11/16. Having taken a short jaunt into the bay under engine in the morning, the sail bundle was unpacked for the first time in over five years. Running rigging was untied and untangled and with a new shackle here and there and some new line to replace those with serious chaffe lines were lead through to the cockpit. Simon Lewis Jones (JRA) arrived after lunch and we set off into Tremadoc bay again. In clear water and gentle conditions sail was hoisted on a new halyard. One small tange of sheetlet and batten sorted and full sail set beautifully. Engine off and we took turns at the helm and marvelled at the quiet beauty of the rig. Tacks and gybes all easy and surprisingly quick downwind considering on 5kts wind.

    . Special thanks to Roger Fitzgerald and Simon Lewis Jones. Roger has now enjoyed his first ever sail under junk rig although I doubt Ella Trout III will be converted anytime soon!
    Many thanks to all who offered advice and support.
    Seasons Greetings to all

  • 12 Nov 2016 22:46
    Reply # 4381754 on 4377652
    Great stuff, Nicholas.  So pleased there are some members in your area.  It would be good if you would write up your experiences (with pics!) for the magazine: it's always interesting to hear about people's early experiences with junk rig.
  • 12 Nov 2016 09:51
    Reply # 4380974 on 4379420
    Deleted user
    Annie Hill wrote:Hi Nick - good to hear you are ready to go sailing!  Quite a lot of members only look at the website very occasionally, so someone local to you may miss this posting.  Why don't you go to Search Members (second button down, on the left) and use the search to find people in Wales?  Drop them a line and ask if they'd be ready to help you :-)

    Thanks Annie. Three JRA members contacted. I forget that not all members are permanenly plugged into the fora with the keeness of newbies like me.

    Hopefully the weather will be calm and I will be able to sort out the running rigging whilst still on the dock. Still looks like a bit of a cats cradle to my bermudan rig eye!

    I will post the tale of events and some pictures so folk can follow my baby steps to sea in Somerled.

  • 11 Nov 2016 20:43
    Reply # 4379420 on 4377652
    Hi Nick - good to hear you are ready to go sailing!  Quite a lot of members only look at the website very occasionally, so someone local to you may miss this posting.  Why don't you go to Search Members (second button down, on the left) and use the search to find people in Wales?  Drop them a line and ask if they'd be ready to help you :-)
  • 11 Nov 2016 02:59
    Message # 4377652
    Deleted user

    I know its November and everyone is hauling out for the winter but I am finally about to launch Somerled in preparation for her move to Cardiff in a few weeks.
    I wondered if any JRA member who knows and are local to Pwllheli would be able to assist with some local seatrials around the 24th, weather permitting. Simple stuff like hoisting the junk sail (a first for me) and checking out sail controls. A couple of short day trips in the bay shoul do it. I have a delivery crew arranged for the ,transfer and would be good to know all in order beforehand.
    Thanks. Nick

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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