'Fantail' - the movie

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  • 14 Jun 2016 11:05
    Reply # 4074395 on 4065554

    I have to say it's better than anything I have put together so far...and I liked it.

    Here's a neater link.


  • 12 Jun 2016 02:03
    Reply # 4069352 on 4066567
    Nicholas Head wrote:
    David Tyler wrote:

    Thank goodness - a sailing movie with no shipping container, no Robert Redford, no burning liferaft, no ...

    I thought that was a film about a lubbers attempts to end it all using a yacht etc...??
    It's difficult to be sure what it's about, as it's so badly scripted (scripted?) and directed, but I think we're meant to take it as a straightforward "one darned thing after another" disaster movie. 
  • 11 Jun 2016 23:28
    Reply # 4069282 on 4068354
    David Thatcher wrote:

    Have just watched your movie Bryan. It is about a million times better than the silly Robert Redford movie. 

    But it didn't make me laugh as much! ;-)
  • 11 Jun 2016 06:48
    Reply # 4068354 on 4065554
    Deleted user

    Have just watched your movie Bryan. It is about a million times better than the silly Robert Redford movie. 

  • 10 Jun 2016 23:06
    Reply # 4068071 on 4066563
    Deleted user
    Annie Hill wrote:...but apparently You Tube won't play it because the music is copyright.  How did you get round that?  Oddly enough, there is no problem with it on my blog.
    A wide selection of royalty-free music is freely available on the web, and a google search produces almost infinite possibilities. Most of it is the kind of plink-plonk piano you'd expect when shopping for shoes in a large mall or is some kind of hyperfrenzied overcaffeinated Red Bull extreme sports background music, but occasionally you can stumble across something tolerable. If your friend still has the footage it should be easy to sort out.
  • 10 Jun 2016 22:57
    Reply # 4068059 on 4066250
    Deleted user
    David Tyler wrote:

    Thank goodness - a sailing movie with no shipping container, no Robert Redford, no burning liferaft, no ...

    Ah, my secret's out: no plot, no talented handsome chap, nothing of any interest... ;D
  • 10 Jun 2016 00:41
    Reply # 4066567 on 4066250
    Deleted user
    David Tyler wrote:

    Thank goodness - a sailing movie with no shipping container, no Robert Redford, no burning liferaft, no ...

    I thought that was a film about a lubbers attempts to end it all using a yacht etc...??
  • 10 Jun 2016 00:35
    Reply # 4066563 on 4065554
    Great fun! It looks like you're enjoying yourselves.  Fantail looks very happy.

    I tried posting my video of Fantail to You Tube.  It was given to me by a friend, and her right to it is duly noted, but apparently You Tube won't play it because the music is copyright.  How did you get round that?  Oddly enough, there is no problem with it on my blog.
    Last modified: 10 Jun 2016 00:37 | Anonymous member
  • 10 Jun 2016 00:29
    Reply # 4066558 on 4065554
    Deleted user

    Great movie, Bryan--gives a boost of spirit!

  • 09 Jun 2016 18:32
    Reply # 4066250 on 4065554

    Thank goodness - a sailing movie with no shipping container, no Robert Redford, no burning liferaft, no ...

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