Bob Groves and Easy Go

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  • 08 Jan 2016 09:23
    Reply # 3747121 on 3746802
    Erik and Evi Menzel Ivey wrote:

    Great information, not just regarding junk rigs.  Singlehanding in those conditions and encountering the series of difficulties is very hard.  Any thoughts on why the foresail was doused first. It seems like keeping the driving force forward by keeping the foresaw pulling  and dousing the main intuitively makes more sense.   But maybe it depends on the boat. 


    Annie Hill could say more about this but I remember her writing that the Benford dory did not like running just under the foresail, perhaps because it is light displacement and the foresail  would push the bow down, causing weather helm.  Badger was sailed downwind under main, with the foresail sheeted in flat, sometimes reefed, unless conditions were moderate enough to run wing and wing.  Thus Easy Go was running downwind under bare poles but with the main bundle squared out for some drive when the sail bundle gybed accidentally, causing the fan up to occur.  This alone may not have been enough to make Bob abandon ship, It had more to do with his severe exhaustion after days of very heavy weather, in the face of what was rapidly turning into a survival storm.
  • 08 Jan 2016 03:58
    Reply # 3746802 on 3741620
    Deleted user

    Great information, not just regarding junk rigs.  Singlehanding in those conditions and encountering the series of difficulties is very hard.  Any thoughts on why the foresail was doused first. It seems like keeping the driving force forward by keeping the foresaw pulling  and dousing the main intuitively makes more sense.   But maybe it depends on the boat. 


  • 06 Jan 2016 19:34
    Reply # 3743691 on 3741620

    Not sure.

    I have taken it on faith that Indigo Magazines are legally producing pdf version of the magazine as stated - they do it for a great many magazines. I still think we'd need permission to reproduce.

    No harm in asking CW, however.


    Last modified: 06 Jan 2016 19:34 | Anonymous
  • 06 Jan 2016 19:31
    Reply # 3743689 on 3741620
    Thanks for that, Chris.  Would we be able to reproduce it in the magazine, do you think, for all the members who don't use the website?
  • 06 Jan 2016 15:14
    Reply # 3742893 on 3741620

    Thanks for the heads up, Graham.

    Cruising World have made this available for download via Indigo Magazines, if you are willing to endure an obstacle course of spam, ads, musak, unreadable captchas, and fake links. Naturally, I have 'taken one for the team' in order that members can read it, here.


    Last modified: 06 Jan 2016 15:16 | Anonymous
  • 06 Jan 2016 00:35
    Message # 3741620

    The November 2015 issue of Cruising World magazine has an article by Bob Groves giving a detailed description of the cause of Easy Go's fan up and the other factors that led to his decision to abandon ship.  It is an honest and informative article and highly recommended reading for offshore sailors.

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