Anarchy in Junk Rigged Website World

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  • 16 Feb 2016 11:59
    Reply # 3825052 on 3820939
    Deleted user
    Hi Brian,

    No need for a survey, just look at the site stats or google analytics. For example; of the visitors to my Ashiki blog, 38% are on mobile devices.  (Blogspot is a responsive site.)

    (Not complaining mind you, or I should volunteer myself, just way too busy with my own stuff atm..)

    Brian Kerslake wrote:

    Hi Gary. Good to hear from you. When I was Webmeistering I never found the time to bone up on thow our current platform Wild Apricot, deal withs mobiles vs laptops or to look ahead like that; we are kind of tied to their plans. Perhaps there are some keen members out there who would take that on as a research project, and report back with suggestions, just as we tackled the EU cookies (and more) question. Andrew Eavess maybe?

    Wonder how your 40-50% breakdown would pan out across current members? Time for a survey maybe?

    And how many potential JRA members are there? Not 40-50% of web users, but a tiny percentage.

  • 14 Feb 2016 12:00
    Reply # 3820939 on 3717756
    Deleted user

    Hi Gary. Good to hear from you. When I was Webmeistering I never found the time to bone up on thow our current platform Wild Apricot, deal withs mobiles vs laptops or to look ahead like that; we are kind of tied to their plans. Perhaps there are some keen members out there who would take that on as a research project, and report back with suggestions, just as we tackled the EU cookies (and more) question. Andrew Eavess maybe?

    Wonder how your 40-50% breakdown would pan out across current members? Time for a survey maybe?

    And how many potential JRA members are there? Not 40-50% of web users, but a tiny percentage.

    Last modified: 14 Feb 2016 12:08 | Deleted user
  • 01 Feb 2016 09:49
    Reply # 3793319 on 3792453
    Deleted user
    Brian Kerslake wrote:

    A mobile version of the site as well as a desktop version? Surely two versions means up to twice the work by probably two webmasters who working together to keep them matched. Sounds a step too far for a junky bunch like us.

    Not at all, only one version. No double work. The site will automatically reflow text to suit a small screen if you are using one. You wouldn't see any changes on a desktop though. Its called "Responsive Web Design"

    It was only a suggestion if Wild Apricot has an easy conversion because I understand the help is unpaid. However, the internet has changed completely since 2011. I know members are saying "so what" can still use a phone with this site. But this is not necessarily for the current members, the issue is the 40 to 50% of web surfers - potential members - are on a phone and I think we are shunning them with a non responsive site.


  • 01 Feb 2016 01:36
    Reply # 3792717 on 3790271
    David Thatcher wrote:Viewing this and writing in an area of marginal coverage on my mobile phone. Works well for me! This means I can sit on my junk rig yacht, sipping my 5pm Rum And Coke and participate in the international junk rig association in a remote anchorage on the New Zealand coast. What more could someone want, apart from another rum & coke!?

    Having indulged in a couple of night before pre trip rums a few weeks back, I'm thinking I should have a bottle onboard.:)
    Last modified: 01 Feb 2016 01:36 | Anonymous member
  • 31 Jan 2016 21:19
    Reply # 3792453 on 3717756
    Deleted user

    A mobile version of the site as well as a desktop version? Surely two versions means up to twice the work by probably two webmasters who working together to keep them matched. Sounds a step too far for a junky bunch like us.

  • 30 Jan 2016 21:08
    Reply # 3791406 on 3717756
    Attaboy, David.  Obviously back on board in the BOI; I gather you were missed at Maharangi.  Take it from me: you're better off sipping rum and coke than building another boat.  I'm not regretting my decision, but if Fantail had had 2 feet less draught, I'd probably be anchored next to you.  Or maybe rowing over with a bottle of Captain Morgan's best.

    Had my JRA fix - off to frame up the lute stern.

  • 30 Jan 2016 04:46
    Reply # 3790271 on 3717756
    Deleted user
    Viewing this and writing in an area of marginal coverage on my mobile phone. Works well for me! This means I can sit on my junk rig yacht, sipping my 5pm Rum And Coke and participate in the international junk rig association in a remote anchorage on the New Zealand coast. What more could someone want, apart from another rum & coke!?
  • 29 Jan 2016 23:49
    Reply # 3790013 on 3717756

    Right, where is the delete button on this thread! I couldn't have caused more controversy unless maybe I suggested we renamed the site to ‘secret Bermudan Rig Lovers Society’

    OK so I have a warped sense of humour. Someone strike me with a bamboo baton. 

    In fairness I agree with the posts in general. From my initial poking around, and I haven't actually done much in, this site is built I think on html pages which are created in the back end. There is no database which is common amongst sites, esp with forums. I have reasonable experience of CMS systems and databases, but I really don't know how or if this would be much of a challenge in terms of work given that 'I think' the site is built on .html pages. 

    In short, people are happy and it works, however;

    1. Ebay app/mobile site for the phone - Is very very good. Well designed and fast.

    2. Amazon version - poor.

    3. JRA members, probably older generation and happy with what they have, don't mess with what works approach (valid viewpoint)

    Given the general feedback, I'd say leave it. There isn't an overwhelming desire for change, so lets save probably a lot of hard work in the process. 

    I think there is room for improvement in the future on the site in general, such as moving links that aren't as well used by most members, but I don't want to start or suggest world war 4. I'm taking our 'training role' currently in the Middle East as the forerunner to 3 at the moment.

    I think I may rename my username to 'pinchofsalt' :)



  • 26 Jan 2016 06:07
    Reply # 3781471 on 3717756
    Ah.  I wondered what a responsive website was: something that knows whether you are reading on a phone or a computer.

    Like Chris, I prefer to view websites on my computer and find, for example, the NZ met site designed for a phone, frustratingly limited compared with the 'proper' one.  And I live on a boat (well, in a boatshed, at present) and use my mobile for a hotspot.

    Should anyone volunteer to make the website 'user friendly' for phones, I won't object.  In the meantime I'm happy to get out my netbook for my (almost) daily dose of JRA website.

  • 25 Jan 2016 22:16
    Reply # 3781087 on 3780512
    Deleted user
    David Thatcher wrote: I often visit the website via my mobile phone and find that it loads quickly and I can navigate the site quite easily. Of course on a 4 inch screen the experience has it's limitations. But I guess the success of using the site via a mobile phone depends on a number of factors such as quality of mobile connection and processor speed of the phone.  
    Actually, no. Responsive websites are built differently, when viewed on a small screen, the components of the site stacks itself vertically, no sideways navigation required. Try just about any news site on a phone & you will notice they are all long vertical scrolling pages. Non responsive sites are a pain to use on a phone. This one doesn't work at all. 
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       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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