Second sail in Ingeborg
Today we had the second test sail of Ingeborg. In a stronger F3 - F4 she performed fairly well, but not spectacularly so. She does need to be slipped and have her bottom repainted. In addition, I think she had a bit too much weather helm this time. Studying my photos of the sail, I see I can shift the sail quite a bit forward, at least 20cm without having to move batten parrels. I just need to replace the standing tack parrel, which was too short.
We did a few gybes with full sail, and so far there has not been any sheet tangle. The sail itself sets well, after I adjusted the HK parrels of the two lowest panels. Still, there is a bit adjustment left to do with the sheetlets: I always tie them on with a bit too much rope, so I can shorten them until I am happy.
I do feel I am getting better control now: A good indication is that I sailed Ingeborg right back into her berth, just as I use(d) to with the others.

(the album has been lost)